Patient Mr Delphic Gratton
Address St Agate, Quebec
Age 53 years
Doctor Dr Ellis
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Enlarged prostate, partial obstruction of urine, possible carcinoma.


Copy of Diagnosis by Dr Ellis, Bracebridge, Ont.

Dr Edward G Ellis
Bracebridge, Muskoka

Miss R. Caisse,

Dear Miss Caisse,-

I have examined in my office today Delphic Gratton of St Agathe, Que. age 53.
He has a definite enlargement of prostate quite firm to touch, and has symptoms and signs of difficult urination also. I am referring him to you for treatment.
Diagnosis Enlarged Prostate partial obstruction of urine.
Type possibly Carcinoma
Very truly yours

E. G. Ellis


Mr Gratton came to Miss Caisse. Weight on that date was 163 lbs.
Patient said he was showing some improvement .
Patient had no pain for the past three days. Woody substances should be finely ground for quicker and easier absorption.
Patient said he was showing marked improvement, and gain in weight.
Mr Gratton went home to St Agathe and said before leaving that he was cured of his trouble, felt very well and had gained a great deal of weight.
Patient had better colour and eyes clear.