Patient Mr Freeman Maxwell
Address Beaverton, Ontario
Age 37 years
Doctor Dr Mason Smith
Address Beaverton, Ontario
Diagnosis   Malignant disease in pancreas.
Brain Haemorrhages,

387 Sherbourne Street
Toronto, Ontario.

Dear Madam:
Re Mr F Maxwell,
We suspect the above mentioned has malignant disease in the pancreas.
He is not informed of this.
Yours truly

F. M. Smith

Miss Caisse
387 Sherbourne St
Toronto, Ontario

Dear Madam:

If Mr F. Maxwell wishes to undergo your treatment, I would offer no objections to him doing so.
Mr Maxwell has suffered with loss of appetite, loss of twenty pounds of weight, in addition to extreme weakness. He is depressed in spells. He also suffers with a moderate degree of arthritis. During the past eighteen months he has had two slight Cerebral Haemorrhages.
Yours truly,

F. M. Smith


Miss Caisse,

387 Sherbourne Street,
Toronto, Ontario.

Dear Madam:

Mr F. Maxwell came to my office Sunday last. Frankly I was delighted to see such a marked improvement in his general health.
He has gained seven and a half pounds. His haemoglobin estimated ninety per cent. He moves with a great deal of vigour and mentally he is very much brighter and alert.
I would be interested to know something more definite of your treatment. With what particular conditions do you use it and what do you claim for it? Over what period of time do you believe it should be used? I will watch Mr Maxwells progress with a great deal of interest.
Yours very truly,

F. M. Smith

Mr Maxwell came to me too weak to walk, had to be carried into my office, had lost the use of his arms for over a year.
I started to treat him in February 1932.
Mr Maxwell still runs his own farm at Beaverton as his letter written a few days before the deputation from Bracebridge attended on the Honourable, the Minister of Health on March 15, 1937 states.
Patient had the use of his arms after five treatments, continued to gain weight and health, and is still well as his brother stated to the Minister of Health.

Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse by Mr Maxwell



January 9th 1937.

Dear Miss Caisse,
Received your letter yesterday. I phoned my brother last night, and he will go any day or night that you let him know, which I think is much better than me going, as he knows just as much and more than I do what you did for me.
His Address
Helen Avenue 89,
his phone number should you need it Melrose - 9122 Toronto.
Do hope Miss Caisse you are successful.
Best wishes for you

Freeman Maxwell