Patient Mr & Mrs David. W
Address Victoria


Remarks Patient had X-ray plates taken. Advised by Dr Greig to have operation, which would ... three operations. Patient had operation for appendicitis eight years previous to this. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

Today I have been examined by Dr. Charles M. Ludgate, M.D. Radiation Oncologist at Victoria Cancer Clinic. He stated there is no longer a malignant tumor on my Prostrate Gland, that it has disappeared completely.

His words were, "You had a tumor".

I said, "But what about now, Doc?". He stated then that it was no longer there.

It all started April of 1991, when my wife Dorothy had an operation which was to have removed more of her bowel which was infected by cancer. Dr McKay called me somewhere around two a.m. in the morning, as it was a late night operation, to inform me that he had very sad news. The cancer was all through her lower abdomen down into her pelvis and that there was nothing he could do. He had just sewed her back up and stated that she should be told her condition. He also stated that he did not recommend Chemotherapy as it would just make her more miserable and would do nothing towards curing her.

I was at the hospital at 6 a.m. the next morning. Dorothy was still to the recovery room. she asked Was it cancer?". I said "Yes." She asked "Did they get it all?" I had to tell her what Dr McKay had told me. Then she said "Well, I don't want anyone with sad faces coming round here. If everyone can't be smiling don't come to visit." She sure has been a brick, and I might add that she has continued to show the same sort of attitude to this date.

The family and myself of course, were extremely concerned and we wanted to know how long we would have Dorothy with us. Dr. McCaw, her personal physician, told me that Dorothy wouldn't last past early August/September of 1991.

Upon notifying all Dorothy's relatives and mine, I had an immediate call from my brother-in-law in Huntsville, James C..., who stated he was sending out some tea which was a combination of four herbs. This had been successfully used in the Onterio area also on himself eight years earlier. His cancer tumors had disappeared within six months and no sign of their return.

I immediately started giving Dorothy these herbs twice a day and while she can't claim to be cured, she is still with us carrying on a normal life style.

In August last year I found that I had a tumor on my prostrate gland. This was determined by biopsy carried out by Dr. Leonard Cox, Urologist. He stated that it was malignant. He was referring me to the Victoria Cancer Clinic.

This is where I met Dr Ludgate. He stated that my tumor was too large to be handled by the Radiation Unit, and that he would give me some Female Hormone Pills to try and reduce the tumor to where it was more manageable.

I immediately started taking the tea twice a day as prescribed by my brother-in-law. I also took some of the hormone pills but later stopped taking the pills and I have quite a few of them left I felt so sure that the tea on its own would do the job and indeed it did. I certainly recommend the tea to anyone who has Cancer. I believe if it doesn't cure completely it will prolong the person's life who has Cancer and go a long way to relieving a lot of the pain that can be encountered.

David W (1995)
George E Ferrier

CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results