Patient R. G. Long
Address 215 Murray St,.Peterboro, Ontario
Age 56 years
Doctor Dr T. A. Carson
Address Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Prostate Cancer


An extract from HOMEMAKER MAGAZINE 1976

Copy of Diagnosis

"D" District Headquarters
Christie St Hospital,
Toronto 4, .
Reg. No. 455915

July 1936

Mr R. G. Long
215 Murray St.,
Peterboro, Ont.

Dear Sir:-
Acknowledging your letter of July 3rd., 1936, please be advised that the diagnosis in your case is cancer of the prostate.
Yours truly

Dr T. A. Carson

Chief Medical Officer


Copy of letter written to Mr Whatley by Dr T. A. Carson

Re R. G. Long #455915
Mr Sydney Whatley,

Dec 1936

Ex-Service Men's Club,
478 Mark St,
Peterboro, Ont.

Dear Sir,

This will acknowledge your letter of July 13th on the marginally named man. A few days ago we forwarded to Mr Long a certificate regarding diagnosis in this case.

Regarding our consent to treatment carried out by Miss René Caisse of Bracebridge, please be advised that we have yet no reason to approve or disapprove of this line of treatment. That is something entirely for the decision of the man himself.

Yours truly,

Dr T. A. Carson

July 1936

Patient had first treatment, weight at that time was 124 pounds.
Nov 1936
Weight -135 pounds. Patient improving, appetite good.
Dec 1936
Patient examined by Dr S. Walsh of Peterboro who said prostate gland was not quite so large and softer than when it was last examined.
March 13, 1937
All pain gone, patient very well. Gained about 20 lbs.

Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse by Dr S. Y. Walsh.

re - Mr R. G. Long .

Dec 1936

Miss R. M. Caisse,
Bracebridge, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse:
This is to state that I have today examined Mr R. G. Long and I find that the prostate gland is not quite so large and I believe that it is softer than it was when last examined. There is however an indurated hard but movable light lobe of prostate at the present moment.
Yours truly

S. Y. Walsh

Copy of X-ray report

June 1937
Mr R. G. Long
#No 70.500 Pelvis

Films made of the pelvis in the _.P and P.A. views.
The bony contour is normal, and there is no evidence of arthritic change or bone erosion.
There is no tissue change suggestive of new growth noted.There is slight thinning in the prostate region.
Yours very truly

B. J. Fenner
Fenner X-ray laboratory
86 Bloom St. W.,
Toronto, Ont.

Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse from Mr R. G. Long

June 1937
Dear Miss Caisse-
In answer to your letter of the 7 inst.
I shall be very pleased indeed to go along to Toronto with you. I have received great benefit from your treatments and am well satisfied. Am so sorry when I was in Bracebridge last not to have found you.
I remain
Yours truly

R. G. Long

Copy re Mr R. G. Long

215 Murray St,
(new Address)

Dec 1938
286 Edinburgh St.

Dear Miss Caisse,-
Many thanks for the Xmas card, for which I am very grateful for, I have an occasional person call and do I sing your praises. I tell them if they have any cancer trouble to go to you at once, for there is not a doctor in this Dominion that could begin to do as much good as you. As I told you when I was in Bracebridge you are one of the very best ladies in the land, and I don't mean maybe, for I have you to thank for me being here now. I have not Seen Mrs Rudd for some time, she was very well when I last saw her. I was in Lakefield a few weeks ago. I understand Mr Boterill is going to Kingston for treatment, his son-in-law told me that doctor says his cancer is very low down, and that he can take it out.
I wish you and Loretta a very Happy and Prosperous New Year, and that your health will be much better in the coming year.
I remain
Yours very sincerely

R. G. Long