Patient Mr Alan L.
Address Sydney, Australia
Age 75 years
Diagnosis   Bowel Cancer?

Al is an alternative health professional. Now in his 70's, he has had a long career in the industry, and has many wonderful experiences to share and knowledge of lost remedies. On one occasion I rang him because a baby was having trouble holding down food or drink. The doctors had not been able to help and the mother had called me. He suggested we let a pulverised apple turn brown before trying him with a small amount. Surprise surprise a good result!.

I have supplied Al with our herbal tea for many of his patients over the years, and have had many discussions with him. The one I remember most vividly was in 1993. He called me and told me this story....

"I was attending a health conference at a old venue in the city. I had done nothing that day that was unusual and was feeling in fine health. However as the seminar progressed pains began to develop in my stomach. For a while I though nothing of it and tried to ignore my discomfort. It was like a very severe diarrhoea. Eventually I reached the point where I could not say any longer and was forced to leave the hall and search for a toilet.

Toilets are like policemen. They never seem to be there when you need them, and I was desperate. Eventually I found a tiny toilet and sat down. The experience of going to the toilet was strange. It was not like anything I had experienced before. It was not painful, but certainly made me feel better very quickly. However I knew all was not normal and in the poor light I stood and peered into the bowel.
It was an experience I will not forget. It looked like a jelly substance with thin stripes of flesh or blood almost like worms. It was a mass more like jelly not a liquid. It looked long rather than rounded."

Then he said "For a while now I have been drinking the tea myself. I thought it could be good for me, perhaps good for my immune system or something. What I really wanted was to experience taking it so I could discuss it with people I gave it too. This has given me the surprise of my life. I had absolutely no idea. I may have never found it. Sometimes it is there for 10 or 15 years before the doctors can diagnose it. It just shows this can happen to anyone and they would not have any way of knowing until probably too late. Anyway I thought you would like to hear my story..."


Natural CanTea is the magic bullet that stimultes your immune system against any/all cancers stages & metastasis.
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