Patient Mr G. Mahon
Address Port Carling, Ontario
Age 62 years
Doctor Dr Joyce
Address Port Carling, Ontario
Diagnosis   Cancer of the Rectum .


Patient was advised by Dr Joyce to have an operation, but refused, and took Caisse's treatments.


First treatment by Caisse.
Weight on that date was 155 pounds.


Weighed 159 pounds.
Patient feels a little better.


Patient feels some improvement, has less sloughing.


Patient has high blood pressure.


Patient feeling very well.


Patient seems perfectly well, says he works 10 and 12 hours a day, has been doing this all summer. Blood pressure has reduced, no pain anywhere, has gained ten pounds in weight.

Letter from Mr Mahon to Miss Caisse

Port Carling,
Feb. 16/38
Miss R. Caisse

Dear Miss Caisse,
Your card received today, and I would be only too glad to let you use my name, or to help you in any way possible, as you have certainly done me the world of good.
I feel ready to let any doctor examine me now.
You will find a petition enclosed with this. I expect to be down the end of the week, or beginning of next week.

George Mahon

To whom it may concern

During the year of 1936 I was in very poor health. I was in such a condition I could not work.
In January 1937 I went to our local doctor and he advised me to go to the General Hospital in Toronto and have an operation. He said there was something that would have to be removed. My bowels were in a terrible condition at that time. I hated the thought of an operation I am a man over 60, and my father had the same trouble as myself twenty eight years ago and was operated in the General Hospital, and only lived for three months.
I decided I would try taking treatments from Miss Caisse in Bracebridge, as I heard of so much good that she was doing. Early in January I started taking the treatments and it wasn't very long until I was feeling much better and now I have no sign of a growth whatsoever.
I was examined by a doctor from Timmins, who was at Miss Caisse's cancer clinic in Bracebridge.
Today I am a well man and able to work. I doctored with no one else except Miss Caisse, so the credit is all due to her.
I feel sure that anyone suffering from a growth of any kind, if they will go by Miss Caisse's directions and take her treatment she will cure them.
Yours truly,
G. E. Mahon