Patient Mrs Webster Bogart
Address Southwold Station, Ontario
Age 62 years
Doctor Dr Snell
Address St. Thomas, Ontario
Diagnosis   Bowel Cancer & Kidney Cancer..

  Remarks .

Aug 7, 1937
Patient started to take treatment.
Feb 21, 1938.
Patient discharged as cured.
Copy of letter from Mrs W. Bogart.

Southwold Station,

Feb 1938

Dear Miss Caisse,

About four years ago I commenced a continual doctoring with medical doctors, but seemed to get no satisfactory results.

In June 1937 I had X-rays taken at the Memorial Hospital St Thomas, and it was pronounced that there was a large cancer on the large intestine and one obstructing on the left kidney about which they said there was nothing to be alarmed.

At this time and for some time before that, I was suffering terribly with pain all through my body and vomited incessantly, not being able to keep food on my stomach.

On August 7th, I started treatments with you twice weekly. During the first seven treatments the vomiting ceased, and I was able to get some benefit from my food. By the 19th treatment the cancer on the bowel started to pass away, and I was feeling very much better. The one on the kidney has taken much longer to remove but by Feb. 21 1938, there was no sign whatever of either cancers and I was pronounced cured.

I sincerely thank you for your care, interest and treatment and would always strongly advise anyone with the same trouble to attend your clinic for treatments. I might add that five of my family died of Cancer and they all had all the treatments that Medical Science had to offer and got no relief. They had operations, radium, and deep X-ray treatments and all died terrible deaths, so you can imagine how happy I am to be cured.


Mrs Webster Bogart