Patient Mr Wilson Hammell
Address Raymond, Ontario
Age 50
Doctor Dr Bastedo
Address Bracebridge, Ontario
Diagnosis   Bowel Cancer


By Dr Bastedo after X-rays taken at the Bracebridge Memorial Hospital
Growth in lower bowel close to rectum.

Remarks Patient was advised by Dr Bastedo to go to Dr R Graham in Toronto. Instead of seeing Dr Graham patient went to Miss Caisse.

Had first treatment by Caisse.
At the time the growth was stopping bowel movements patient had lost a great deal of weight, was in great pain.
Patients weight 161 lbs

During the time for treatment, patient had heavy discharge, abscessing in rectum, and sloughing. This all gradually cleared away and the pain lessened patient gained weight, general health improved.

Patients weight 195 lbs. is working hard on a farm, is very well, and has no pain in rectum, natural bowel movements, and feeling fine generally. No signs of growth remain.

1976 Patient still living, Age 90.