Patient Mrs F. Minnie Norris
Address 139 Arlington Ave, Toronto, , Ontario
Age 64 years
Doctor Dr W. R. Bateman
Address St Claire Ave. W., Toronto, Ontario
Diagnosis   Tumour of the Bowel


Dr W. R. Bateman
1031 St Claire Ave. W.,
re: Mrs F. (Minnie) Norris

A Barium enema was given.
The rectal ampulla fills well. There is a filling duct in the colon at about the junction of the descending with the sigmoid. It extends over about three inches of bowel. While the appearance closely resembles diverticulitis, I believe the condition is probably malignant. The balance of the bowel of the caesium fills without delay and shows no abnormality. No diverticula are visible in the descending colon, or elsewhere. It is to be observed, however, that a small rounded particle of barium, presenting the appearance of a diverticulum, is situated in the filling defect in the sigmoid colon.
In my opinion the examination of the colon might be extended to include a twenty-four hour film made after ingestion of a barium meal. This will involve no further cost.
E. H. Shannon

Remarks Patient has had colitis about 30 years. Has had no operation, no radium, no treatments. 5/1938 First treatment by Caisse
Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse 4/1938

139 Arlington Ave.,
April 17 1938

Miss R. Caisse.
Brace bridge, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse,

It is my wife who is the sufferer. For some months she has been troubled with a pain in her left abdomen. In fact she has been troubled in that way for many years. Some 25 years ago she was treated for colitis. The attending doctor then said she had a stricture or kink in the large bowel. She has always been able however to get rid of the pain by home treatments. This time however it is hanging on and the Dr's medicine does not help.

A week ago we got an X-ray and as a result the doctor reported that it appeared to be a tumour on the lining on the wall of the large bowel. An operation was not recommended as the wife is slightly diabetic has been for 12 years. Is nervous, 64 years old.

Do you treat tumours and does the treatment relieve or cure the tumour?

Up until the taking of the X-ray Mrs Norris was in good spirits and went about doing her own work. Looked well and weighed 150 lbs. She is around and not in bed but the news has pulled her down in spirits.

Yours truly
F. Norris

10/1938 Patient has let her maid go, and is now doing her work all but washing and scrubbing. The first in over a year. Feeling lots stronger, went to the exhibition alone, is definitely better.
Letter written to Miss Caisse by Mrs Norris. 10/1938

139 Arlington Ave.

Oct 4th 1938

My Dear Miss Caisse,

It was a great relief this morning to read what the Globe and the Mail said about this inquest.

I told you I would be praying for you, and I certainly did. Almost every hour of the day I breathed a prayer for you, and no doubt many of your other patients did the same.

I would just like to tell you how much better I am - seem to have a new hold on life, and I give all the credit to you, my dear.

I often sympathise with you in your work, and think how trying it must be, but you are a brave sweet girl, and knowing you are relieving so much suffering must recompense you for it all.

Lovingly yours
Mrs (Minnie) Norris.

Letter written by Mrs Norris. TO THE CAISSE CLINIC

For many years I have suffered from abdominal trouble. In 1903 I was operated on for an appendicitis. In 1904 I was under the doctors care for colitis. In 1907 a pain developed in the lower left side of my abdomen which has given me more or less trouble ever since. In 1920 I was compelled to seek medical attention in respect of the trouble. My Dr, W. P. Cavan, then advised me that there was an apparent closing in the large bowel which might at a later time cause considerable trouble. From then until 1926 the pain kept bothering me, sometimes seriously. After that I was completely free of it until 1935, when I was again confined to bed under medical and nursing attention for upwards of a month.

About the middle of 1937 it again returned and from then until May 1938 not withstanding medical attention, the pain became more intense and I was compelled to use the hot water bottle continuously day and night, with medicine to ease the pain. Indigestion, bloating, accompanied by discharge of mucous continued. Finally an X-ray was had and as a result the doctor pronounced the trouble tumour. Owing to my diabetic and highly nervous condition my doctor advised against operation. The alternative was some few months of life.

About the first day of May I had my first treatment at the Caisse Clinic Bracebridge. Two others followed at weekly intervals. From the first treatment I got relief. After the third treatment I discarded my hot water bottle, and excepting for a few occasions I have never used it since. Nor have I tried to take any medicine to ease the pain.

On May 21st. '38, the Caisse Clinic unfortunately closed and remained closed for some two months, during which period I could notice pain increasing its hold on me. As soon as the clinic re-opened I again began the treatments. I have taken the 12 in all and as a result I am so improved in health that I feel like a new person. The pain has lessened to a very noticeable extent. I am able to do my homework and go about alone something which before these treatments it was impossible for me to do. I have every reason to hope that under these treatments my trouble will finally disappear.

Yours truly,

Minnie Norris