Patient P. T.
Address Sydney Australia
Diagnosis   Bowel Cancer


I wish to relate a Bowel Cancer story as it carries a theme not entirely uncommon, especially with relation to the so called "side effects".

A lady rang me and had a story to tell that I have repeated many times. It's great... 1993

"My father lives with my sister and the other day I was over at their house visiting them. As my father is ill I spent a lot of time with them and it is probably as well I did. My father has terminal cancer, and is not being offered any treatment by his doctor.

Because we have a friend who had great results with your tea we put dad on it some time ago. He wasn't keen but we were, and to keep the peace he took it.

On one of these occasions recently I visited my father, he suddenly had an urgent urge to use the toilet. We thought nothing of it, and carried on talking.

Not long after he had gone to the toilet we heard a huge crash coming from that direction. We did not know what had happened but my sister went immediately to help dad.

She forced open the door, and found our father slumped on the floor.

I was in the other room waiting for her to return and tell me what was happening. Instead the loud crashing noise rolling out again. I waited a moment but there was no further sound. Nothing. No cries for help. No voices at all.
Cautiously I approached the mystery toilet. There slumped on the floor and lying deathly still was my sister, and under her my father. I approached carefully and shook my sister who gradually gained consciousness..

She told me to look in the toilet. Then my father came to and he started to explain.

He had gone to the toilet but had sensed something strange taking place and had stood up to see if he could see anything. When he looked in the bowel it looked like his insides had fallen out into the toilet. He didn't remember anything else. When my sister looked in the bowel to see if she could see anything unusual she too had a similar thought and had fainted too.

My father huried back to see the specialist and had an examination.

Amazingly, all he would say is that the area of the bowel where the tumour had been seen was now a fresh pink colour like new scarring from a wound. There has no sign of any tumours.

And in the bowel?

It sounded almost identical to Al's story. About 18 inches long. Fleshy mixed with stringy, jelly like material. Looks like worms through it.

These are not the only times these terms have been used it describing this type on waste disposal. If you are using this tea I may well have already told you the story so you can avoid fainting perhaps in a more embarrassing location than your own home. If you are waiting for this to happen, it should and it hasn't, then please E-mail me to discuss this further.