Patient Mrs Jenny Fisk
Age 73
Doctor Brusch Medical Center
Diagnosis   Malignant infiltration of Mesentery found (Bowel Cancer), Constipation and Oedema



Malignant polyp of sigmoid removed.


Benign polyp removed and definite malignant infiltration of Mesentery found.


Severe constipation had begun indicating bowel blockage. .

Bowel movements obtained only once in seven days by use of frequent enemas.

Patient successively hospitalised and bedridden.

Mental state very low. Ambition lacking. Edema of ankles.


Treatment commenced July 14.

Bowels began to move normally once a day very shortly.

Bowel regulation has continued.

No change in diet and no medication other than Nurse's remedy.

Substance isn't cathartic. (Enemas not required).

Edema of ankles disappeared after five treatments.

Patient is actively on her feet.

Energy restored beyond anything she has experienced since her operation.

Once again making regular shopping trips to Boston.

Her outlook is cheerful. She is comfortable and has gained six pounds since treatment began.

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