Patient Mr R. J. Wolfenden
Address Dr Laurrie, Barrie, Ontario
Age 37 years
Doctor Dr Laurrie
Address OntariO
Doctor Dr Oaks,t
Address Roseau, OntariO
Doctor Dr Fred Bowan
Address Hamilton, Ontario
Diagnosis   Carcinoma to front of Rectum


For many years Mr Wolfenden had haemorrhoids.
Had X-rays by Dr Laurie, then went to specialist, Dr F. Bowman, Medical Arts Building, Hamilton, who advised an immediate operation either by surgeon in Cleveland or London.


Patient had terrible pain every half hour, lasting sometimes twenty minutes, could not work and had to be reclining most of the time. Had lost 15 pounds could not eat or sleep very well.

Patient decided on Caisse's treatments.
8/1938 Had first treatment by Nurse Caisse.
Copy of Diagnosis sent to Miss Caisse by Dr Oaks of Rosseau, Ontario.

Miss R. Caisse,
Bracebridge, Ont.

Dear Miss Caisse,
This will introduce an old friend and patient of mine, Mr Richard Wolfenden of Barrie, who has, after X-ray examination, Carcinoma of front part of Rectum, and he would like to have treatments for his trouble.
Trusting you will be able to give him help,

I remain
Yours truly

Wm H. Oaks

Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse by Mr Wolfenden,-

Miss René Caisse,

Dear Miss Caisse,

Please excuse me for taking the liberty of writing to you, but every time I go up for treatment you are so busy I do not have an opportunity to express my appreciation for what you are doing for me.
Even my closest friends are telling me how much better I am looking since last August when I first started taking treatments from you.
I have known for a number of years that I had haemorrhoids, but last March they seemed so much worse and I seemed to be losing weight and ambition very suddenly. My appetite was very poor and I suffered considerable discomfort. I intended to have these haemorrhoids treated by a local doctor, but owing to the fact that I was general Chairman for the annual Convention of the Ontario Fireman's Association held in Barrie this summer, I kept putting off seeing a doctor until the Convention was over.
In July I consulted Dr Oakes of Rosseau, who is a personal friend of mine, and as a result of his examination, he informed me I was suffering from something more serious than haemorrhoids. Not being satisfied with one doctors opinion, I went to my local doctor Dr Laurie for another examination and X-rays. After being X-rayed Dr Laurie did not seem satisfied, so he sent me to Dr Fred Bowman a specialist in the Medical Arts Building, Hamilton, and he pronounced it to be Cancer of the Rectum. He got in touch with Dr Laurie and advised him an immediate operation by a surgeon in Cleveland or London. As finances would not permit, an operation was out of the question.
A personal friend of mine had been doctoring in Toronto without any success but after taking treatment from you his health was so much improved he persuaded me to take your treatments also. Although I realise I am not completely cured yet, with every treatment I feel so much better, and I have gained nine pounds with sixteen treatments. I think it is a God-send to have such a woman as you in our midst.
Trusting you will take this letter in the way it was intended, I am
Yours sincerely

R. J. Wolfenden