Patient Mr Alan N.
Address Queensland, Australia
Age 30;s
Diagnosis   Acute Lymphatic Leukemia

This is a letter from Alan N who lived in Queensland, Australia.
He is aged in his early 30's and has 4 children. One is not yet at school.

On the 1st November 1993, I was diagnosed as having Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia.

On the 2nd November I received my first Chemotherapy after being admitted to hospital. Seven weeks later the treatment had failed to put me into remission.

On the 21st December I commenced my second course of Chemotherapy. This was much stronger than the first series of treatments that I received. This three week treatment started destroying my body. I was unable to produce white or red cells and therefore had no immunity to any sort of infection. My body suffered damage to the stomach, liver, kidney, pancreas and colon from this course of treatment. I was not responding.

At this time the doctors offered me a third course of Chemotherapy. All I wanted to do was go home. I refused the third course of treatment and my wife was told I had a life expectancy of two weeks.

I went home and four days later was lying in my upstairs bedroom when I heard a friend having a discussion with my wife downstairs. I was sleepy from the morphine and didn't catch any of the conversation. My wife came upstairs with a drink and told me to drink it. I didn't think much about it, just did as she said.

She gave me this drink four times a day after that.

Within a few days, my body began to feel better.

After two weeks I was off all my medication, including the morphine. Now I know what I was drinking was the herbal tea.

I began to get a healthy appetite again.

Now, twelve weeks since coming home I am still alive and still drinking the tea.

I had a blood test that showed I was suffering from leukaemia.

My doctor tells me if I was still suffering from leukaemia I would have died weeks ago.

Prior to leaving hospital I had tests that confirm when I went home I still had leukaemia. All I can say is the tea had a life saving effect on me and now I am cured from cancer. I thank god for giving me the tea.

Two months after I went home I decided to take a drive in the car and go and visit a fellow patient from the hospital who had been sent home. I had not been in contact with him since leaving hospital.

When he opened the door and saw me he looked as if he was looking at a ghost.

He said "I thought from what the doctor told us that you would be long gone by now." I told him about the tea and he is getting your tea too. He is....

It was very tiring driving the two hours to his place but a big achievement for me.

When I went into hospital I was five feet nine inches tall and weighed one hundred and two kilos.

When I came home from hospital I weighed sixty kilos.

I have had two blood transfusions as my body is slow to produce red and white blood cells at present. I do not expect to have any more transfusions.

Alan's doctor was his next door neighbour. His oncologist was his doctors brother and lived in the same street too. All were friends and both had been to Alan's place for barbecues. There have been occasions over this year that Alan's oncologist has suggested that his patients have a talk to Alan about his experience. These have all been patients with poor chances of survival.

Alan passed away at the end on 1994. The cause of death was not leukaemia. He got blood poisoning and passed away before he could get hospital treatment. He had stopped using the tea for a while prior to this. A Professor of Oncology told me blood poisoning can be a side effect of the Chemotherapy he received, and that it can happen many years after being given the treatment.

I would like to thank Alan for allowing me to publish his story for the World Cancer Congress in 1994, extend my sympathy once more to his wife and children who I met in 1995, and thank my dear friend who actually gave the tea for Alan, after all the churches in the area were asked to pray for Alan. My friend did so much more than pray, he had used this tea for his prostate cancer and though everyone thought Alan's situation was hopeless he still made the effort for a stranger in need, and saw a marvellous result for his efforts.

During 1994 Alan told everyone he came in contact with about his success, and he was responsible for saving many lives. I am sure those people still hold a place in their hearts for him.