Patient Mr K. P.
Address U.K.
Diagnosis   Pain Cancer?


Copy of Email from Mr PK received 3rd Aug 2012.

Back in the late 90s I used essiac which I bought from Max Costello, SOJO products in the UK.

I researched about essiac. Max's method of production and making was, I believe, based on good research and he obtained the correct herbs with the crucial method of cooking.

I cannot find Max Costello's company now and I do not know if he is still supplying essiac as a food supplement.

Is your company connected and are your products based on his research and methods of production?
Channel Isles

Copy of Email to Mr PK sent by me 6th Aug 2012.

Nice to hear from you again.

I am now living in Brisbane Australia, and supplying globally from here, but also doing other things with the goal of funding a clinic in Europe eventually, from really exciting inventions I have nearly completed after a decade of R & D in the UK and here.

I do not push my products but people like yourself who know or are told about them and me still purchase supplies.

You are correct with your comments about what I did and produced, and since then many people have used my reputation and results to further their sales of inferior and in many cases ineffective or mildly effective products which often slow down but seldom fully assist serious cases.

I believe the future of the formula will be its use in clinics like hospitals, where patients can have the support of Oncologists, offering a range of services but not being forced into the use of "mainstream" treatments. In the past decade there has been a concerted effort to make the use of my type of help almost impossible, and clinics such as those I am suggesting will balance this and give sufferers a genuine alternative should they chose it.

My friend, how can I help you?


Copy of Email from Mr PK received 36th Aug 2012.

Hi Max,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I am very pleased and relieved that you are still able to continue some work with essiac and that you are still able to make your version available.

Just a little info on my experience. Back in the late nineties I gave up pipe smoking after 25 years. It took a few attempts to give up and eventually I did. I developed a discomfort in my throat, lower left of the larynx (as it seemed to me). I happened to read about essiac when I was researching cancer and alternative remedies. I later went Dr and referred to ear/nose/throat specialist and he could not see anything but I was not able to take the tube far enough down and was not rally satisfied. Nothing else was offered. The discomfort developed into a pain. I did try another brand of essiac but no improvement. I found your site and purchased your CanT and over a few weeks the pain completely disappeared. I continued taking the essiac for some weeks just as a precaution. I did not really know whether the CanT was responsible or not but either way I was OK. We went on holiday to France for a fortnight. And after about a week the pain in my throat gradually returned. As soon as I got home I I made another batch of CanT and within days the pain eased and disappeared. I continued to take CanT for I think must have been 18 months and the pain never returned and I then stopped getting CanT but never since then have I had the same problem. Of course, I have never started smoking again. Now I don't know what the condition I had that caused the pain. I cannot say it was anything cancerous. But the fact remains that whatever it was I am personally convinced that CanT assisted my body to cure the problem. The fact I was never diagnosed with anything makes my little story scientifically worthless. But it was enough to me to indicate that essiac as you produced it had a beneficial effect - perhaps by significantly enhancing my immune system.

As an ex smoker, of course, I am aware that the chances of cancer were much higher for me. Now years have passed and I seem to be OK at least as far as cancer is concerned. But I always thought that If I were diagnosed I would want to have essiac, if I could get it. My experience together with what I read showed me that not all essiac marketed was effective. Its clearly crucial not only to have the right ingredients but to prepare them and cook them in the right way, (especially separating the green leaf powder to steep rather than boil) to ensure their quality and potency.

Knowing the difficulty in respect of regulations ( there are even some who would ban all vitamins and supplements) I wondered how long you would be able to continue your service and thought it would be just my luck if I ever really needed essiac again only inferior products would be available.

My wife has been away visiting her relatives in Moscow. As it happens she felt ill, tired lethargic dizzy. She went to the Dr who diagnosed a thyroid problem; Hypothyroidism. He also sent her for a ultra-sound to check indications of any tumour. At that point I looked for CanT on the internet and only found the Australian site and wrote my email.

I am pleased to say she had the test and there was no sign of a tumour. She had a ecg and they have found (unrelated) a problem with her heart, something called an atrioventricular block. So, whatever the health problems no tumour or cancer. I do not think, on this occasion, essiac can help

As for myself, I have been feeling a little run down and totally lacking energy (had all the blood tests and nothing revealed), I am 59. I believe I may have a sugar sensitivity problem as described by Kathleen Desmaison (book: prozac not potatoes) but still trying to adjust my diet and confirm. I don't think it is something essiac can help on this occasion.

I was thinking that at some stage a course of CanT as a supplement to my diet as a preventative measure would do me no harm. So I am very relieved your are still able to continue your work and continue to make CanTea available. I know how regulations make producing anything associated with health giving properties very difficult. As far as I am concerned as a consumer I think we should have a right to buy the products we want - after all I would only ask that the ingredients are what it says on the tin its my business what motivates me to take it. I eat an apple because I think its good for me and I take a concoction of herbs for the same reason. Regulations to stop claims being made is one thing but now the pressures in Europe seem to be going so far as to stop availability of certain health foods completely - although I have not kept up with latest develpments in so-called eu directives.

Sorry, this email much longer than I intended. Bottom line: CanTea still available to purchase from your Aus web-site and thanks for continuing your work on this. If you were ever to have a newsletter mailing list I should be interested to have my email address included.

Best regards



As I left the U.K. 7 years before this letter was written, I don't have actual records of when he purchased the CanTea from me, but it was between 7 and 17 years previously. interesting comments he makes and the fact whatever he had, minor or serious, has not returned in that time. Again I would like to thank him for his letter and sharing so others can see the results others have achieved. One thing I have found from experience is it is very unusual to find any condition goes for this length of time with no other treatment or reoccurrance.

I have cut and pasted the Emails direct, and not changed spelling or grammatical errors, but have removed the full names, addresses, email address and telephone numbers on KP.