Mrs. Carol S.
Tunkhannock, Pa. USA
Bile Duct Cancer & Pain control


This is a copy of a cancer news group posting.


On January 13, 1998 he was released from the hospital and the doctors said they could not give us any time frame: maybe 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months.

It is now over 5 months later and Bill is living proof that doctors don't know everything. We heard about CanTea early in February and Bill has been drinking 24 ounces each day. He also drinks 24 ounces of carrot juice each day.

To this point in time, he has no pain for which we are very thankful. We believe in miracles and CanTea just might help this miracle happen.

NOTE: 24oz is approximately 700mls. (This was his daily intake according to the article.)